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How to go viral on Tiktok.

How to go viral on Tiktok.

I started my Tiktok account a little over a month ago and I can't stop. It's a great creative outlet for me, especially being stuck home alone for the past 6 months. Much to my surprise, one of my videos went viral. I'm going to outline what worked for me and maybe...

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Why My Kids Have Two Last Names.

Why My Kids Have Two Last Names.

Have you ever wondered why a woman takes a man’s last name? When we give up our name, are we saying our name doesn’t matter? When we get married and automatically take our husbands name does that mean our family history doesn’t matter either? What kind of message does...

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10 things every new mom needs to know and hear:

10 things every new mom needs to know and hear:

There will be crying, but that doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong. You can cry too. That also doesn’t mean there’s something wrong.You will make mistakes. Don’t take it personally, the journey of motherhood is paved with mistakes. It’s how we learn and grow to...

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What it’s really like with two kids.

What it’s really like with two kids.

Honesty brings us closer than any half truth. Motherhood is hard. Let’s just get that out of the way. You are either planning to start a family, pregnant with one, have one and would like another, pregnant with the second on the way or you have your second child in...

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Mom Friends

Mom Friends

Before I had kids I didn’t know why you “needed” mom friends. I’m pretty independent, so why all the fuss? It’s amazing what you think you know before you actually know it. I can confidently say now, mom friends are your lifeline. Having a bad day? Talk to...

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