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I started my Tiktok account a little over a month ago and I can’t stop. It’s a great creative outlet for me, especially being stuck home alone for the past 6 months. Much to my surprise, one of my videos went viral. I’m going to outline what worked for me and maybe you too can recreate this and go viral on FYP!

Since, I already have all the mom’s on my side on instagram I decided to keep my tone and branding the same on Tiktok. Let’s face it, moms really need a good laugh. There was a trend going around where people would dress up as different characters from different moves or shows under the #WhatIWouldWearIn – so I decided to jump in on the fun. You can see an example in my video. I recreated this but I didn’t change my clothes at all, because I’m a mom. The inside joke is that moms don’t have time to change clothes or even care to.

After analyzing this for weeks and practically living on the TikTok app, I’ve noticed some pointers for the most successful videos on the app.

  1. Quality & Lighting – those ring lights really come in handy or a lot of the videos shot outside also perform well. I follow a couple Tiktok influencers who also give tips on creating better videos and this is one they never leave out. If it’s too dark or in a dimly lit room, the video will appear grainy and most users will just scroll right passed it. Any video I shoot in the afternoon without my ring light, never hits its usual high view numbers. In my video I also used some pink lighting in the background which seems to be the millennial color of the year.
  2. Trending – the whole point of the app is that everyone does these challenges, whether it’s dancing, spilling water on babies or recording their significant other after saying “you could have been nicer to me today.” Everyone is recreating trends in their own way. Which is exactly what you should do too BUT you have to make it your own in order to stand out which brings me to the last point.
  3. Uniqueness – in order to stand out amongst the rest you need to be unique. Let your freak flag fly and just be your silly self. Tiktok isn’t about being perfect either, some of the videos are just making fun of these trends. If that’s the kind of person you are, go for it! I know my mom demographic would get my inside joke about wearing the same clothes and not being characters in movies but just labeling it as “laundry” or “doing dishes.”

Tiktok isn’t really meant to be over thought or over planned. It’s 15 seconds, not a box office release. So have fun with it. You never really know what is going to do well, we are our own toughest critic. To be honest, I also deleted that video because I wasn’t sure it was funny enough. I’m so glad I didn’t.

I write down notes all day of things I think are funny or ideas I want to do and then when all my kids are occupied or sleeping I break out my ring light and go to Tiktok town. Also, I’m pretty new to vlogging so my video is no where near perfect, but nothing is in life.

Just have fun and follow me – tag me in your videos! (@fruitsofmotherhood) I’d love to see what you come up with!

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