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Society has made women feel BAD about not measuring up to the perfect moms we see in the media since the dawn of time. I’m proud to be part of this generation of moms who admit this isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. We do not love every moment and talk about the bad as well as the good. We are truly in this together. It’s not a competition.

Showing up during these BAD moments is actually what makes us the BEST moms. We’ve weathered the storms, caught puke in our hands, stayed up countless nights, and kissed countless boo boos.

We’ve cooked multiple meals, apologized to our children, made so many mistakes, and we are BAD—in the BEST possible way.

Join the club where imperfections are honored, and together we redefine what it means to be an exceptional mom.

This hoodie is more than just a hoodie. It’s a symbol of letting ourselves be exactly who we are and not feeling bad about it.

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