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Before I had kids I didn’t know why you “needed” mom friends. I’m pretty independent, so why all the fuss? It’s amazing what you think you know before you actually know it. I can confidently say now, mom friends are your lifeline.

Having a bad day? Talk to your mom friends.

Having a great day? Talk to your mom friends.

Want to sell your kid on Etsy? Talk to your mom friends.

It’s simple. They’ve been there. No matter what you are going through, they’ve been there too. They know how you feel without you having to say it. They know what you need without you even asking. A mom friend is someone who understands your heart, soul and very (very) exhausted mind and they want to help. They know all about you and your child’s tendencies. No backstory needed. They want to help you get through the hard parts of motherhood because they know exactly what it feels like to be stuck there too. If you need someone just to listen, they are amazing at that too. Mom friends are very underpaid, text savvy, around the clock therapists.

Mom friends make you feel comfortable in the most uncomfortable times. They make you feel seen when it feels so dark. They make you feel sane when you feel like you’re on the edge of insanity. They make your tired, sometimes cranky, soul feel rejuvenated. They give your heart a rest. They give your mind a rest.

Sounds pretty powerful huh? But guess what, you are. If you are a mom, then you are most likely someone’s mom friend and that my friend, it a super power maybe you forgot you had.

So if you are having a bad day, just remember you are not alone. Talk to your magical mom friends, they are there for you, as you have always been there for them too.

Dedicating this short piece to my mom gang, I literally wouldn’t be myself without them. Thank you ladies!

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