I Had A Breast Abscess.

I Had A Breast Abscess.

Feeling my breast one day, as all breastfeeding moms do, I noticed a tiny tough area, it felt like a frozen pea. Any lumps in the breast raise red flags so down the googling rabbit hole I went. Was it cancer?! I called my doctor and they told me it was probably a...

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The Beginning of The End – Breastfeeding

The Beginning of The End – Breastfeeding

Let me be clear, I’m not asking for help or encouragement to “keep going.” I’m done and what a beautiful journey it has been. I breastfed my first for 12 months and he ended up weaning himself the week of his birthday. I tried to throw in the towel at 6 months but he...

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Weaning Baby & You

Weaning Baby & You

Keep in mind weaning is a very personal and unique process to each mama, with that said, this is mine. I exclusively breastfed my first child till he was 12 months, he actually weaned himself the week of his first birthday. So, technically he did all the work and I...

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What to do when you have kids but no bath tub.

What to do when you have kids but no bath tub.

I've had a couple people ask me what tub am I using when I share photos of my boys. We renovated every room in our house when we were childless, so the bath tub was removed because it "looked" better without it and then we had kids. We figured out what worked for 1...

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Things I didn’t expect with baby number 2.

Things I didn’t expect with baby number 2.

I heard rumors that I would be more relaxed with baby number 2, that was true. I heard that with the second baby you'll feel more confident in responding to their cries, that was true too. I also heard that with baby number 2 I would be able to really enjoy them being...

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Two Kids Update: 6 months in.

Two Kids Update: 6 months in.

Remember those beginning months when you have no schedule, had no idea what was coming next and you felt more like a walking zombie than a loving mother? Maybe you are still in the thick of it. My youngest just turned 6 months and that crazy newborn phase seems like a...

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Gestational Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes

I had gestational diabetes, two times. If you're reading this you probably failed your one hour test and are looking for some reassurance like I was after I failed mine. Yes, you have to take it seriously but it won't be as bad as you think. When I failed my first one...

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Motherhood is Political.

I have an instagram account with over 130,000 followers and every now and then I post something "political." I get the usual troll comments about how I shouldn't talk about politics and I should stick to my mom jokes and content. I'm amazed how these people feel...

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How I Grew My Instagram Account.

How I Grew My Instagram Account.

In 2.5 years, I’ve grown my instagram to 137k followers. 2.5 years might seem like a long time and I know people who have grown bigger quicker, but this is my story. Like most moms with a newborn, I was stuck at home in an endless eat, poop, sleep cycle and I was...

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