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Let me be clear, I’m not asking for help or encouragement to “keep going.” I’m done and what a beautiful journey it has been.

I breastfed my first for 12 months and he ended up weaning himself the week of his birthday. I tried to throw in the towel at 6 months but he wouldn’t take a bottle and frankly I gave up trying. I didn’t want to fight it anymore. I also hated pumping, so I was never one of those moms who had a stash. I fed him every single milky meal and boobie snack. I guess you could say what we had going on worked for us both at the time.

This is round two. Not much has changed besides the fact that I’m now chasing two. I still worry if my youngest is getting enough breastmilk, just like most exclusively breastfeeding mamas do. I worry about getting sick and leaving my family to figure out how to care for him at a moments notice. He also has a dairy intolerance so I’ve been dairy free for 6 months which is no easy task. For those of you who think it’s just milk, butter and cheese, dairy is hiding in the weirdest paces. Lunch meats, bread and even wine. Apparently a dairy substitute they put in a lot of food is pea protein and it KILLS my stomach and my husband’s nose.

The moral of this story is that I’m just done, done worrying about my supply, done worrying about accidentally eating something that will hurt his stomach. Done worrying about easy nipple access. Done worrying about being the only one who can feed him. I’m just done. It’s not that I disliked breastfeeding, I’m ready to move on. My little dude is 8 months and I’m going to start him on European goats milk formula. There, I said it. Goat mom.

I’m writing this for those who feel the same, the shame, stress and worry. I’m writing this because thankfully my pediatrician who also agrees with me and I’m here to tell you if no one else will, you don’t have to breastfeed and you don’t have to feel guilty about it.

It’s actually bittersweet. Like the last day of school. The end of one thing and the start of something new.

Tell me about your feeding babies experience. ♥️ All experiences welcome, but mom shaming will not be tolerated.

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