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Ever thought of packing your bags, grabbing the kids, and heading out into the wild unknown? Well, that’s exactly what we did, and Peanut Island was our destination of choice. Imagine this: three kids, two wagons, one cooler, and an adventure that was anything but ordinary.


The Great Idea

It all started with a casual chat and 4 days later, we were going camping! Me, girlfriend Maddy, My soon-to-be ex-husband Christopher, His girlfriend and our little gaggle of children (ages 8 months, 4, and 6), plus a dear friend (who’s bright idea it was to even go camping in the first place) and her adventurous 4-year-old.

The concept of juggling diapers and tent pegs initially had me frozen in panic.

But then, out came the hero of the hour—an Apple note titled “Camping List” from my ever-organized girlfriend, Maddy, popped up on my phone.

Life. Saver.

The Packing Chronicles

Packing for a trip with little humans should be an Olympic sport. We managed to stuff two wagons and a cooler, plus the quintessential personal backpacks.

Our Camping Checklist:

– [x] Tent
– [x] Charcoal
– [x] Lighter
– [x] Cooking supplies
– [x] Bug spray
– [x] Air Mattresses
– [x] Pillows
– [x] Cooler
– [ ] High socks for boys
– [x] Blankets and sheets
– [x] Snacks
– [x] Sun screen
– [x] Towels
– [x] Ninjama
– [x] Toilet paper/paper towels
– [x] Bathing suits
– [x] Giraffe pillow
– [x] Water bottles
– [x] Lanterns and head lights
– [x] Chairs
– [x] iPhone battery backups
– [ ] Ice
– [ ] Ponchos
– [ ] Zip lock bags for leftovers
– [ ] Cloud slides
– [ ] Unisom
– [ ] Snorkels

Arlo stuff
– [x] Sheets
– [x] food
– [x] Pack and play
– [x] formula
– [x] Carrier
– [x] water
– [x] Mosquito net for Arlo.

Grocery shopping
– [x] Cupcakes and candles
– [x] Subs and drinking water
– [x] Breakfast
– [x] Protein bars
– [x] Chicken sticks
– [x] Smores
– [x] Hotdogs
– [x] Buns
– [x] Protein shakes
– [x] Prepped Veggies

The stuff without the X are the things I added for our next trip.

First stop, the marina. Where our camping journey to Peanut Island began.


Peanut Island: The Unexpected Paradise

Peanut Island is the perfect place to camp for beginners.

It’s a small, well keep, clean island located in the Intracoastal Waterway in Palm Beach County, Florida, Peanut Island is a pint-sized paradise.

The island greeted us with its serene beauty—shower-equipped bathrooms, grills ready for BBQing, and those oh-so-thankful concrete sidewalks.

Our campsite? A slice of heaven. The kids dashed towards the beach, and we followed, trying to soak in the tranquility and the sun.



Daily Shenanigans

Our days were a mix of beach shenanigans.

Culinary experiments, think grilled chicken for the grown-ups and hot dogs and lunchables for the kiddos.

We brought a rock painting kit, twister for kids, shovels and a kite.

We also played that donut on a string game and a little beach clean up, because theres always something washing up on shore.

Then came the highlight of every camping trip—s’mores by the campfire.


Nightfall and Naps

Bedtime was a strategic operation involving pack-and-plays and youtube bribes.

We let the kids play until they literally asked to go to sleep which was around 9pm.

Now, we have 3 kids and we planned out logistically how this was going to work. Arlo, the 8-month-old, slept in his pack and play and we decided to put him in first. He was already asleep in his stroller so putting him down was a piece of cake, but we used this as a selling point with the big boys on why they needed to be quiet.

It worked.

We actually tried putting Owen (4) to bed sooner without his older brother, because he asked but he had FOMO for sure. I let Owen watch some YouTube on my phone while we were waiting for Elliot to come back from the beach.

Once his big brother was lying next to him, they all eventually went to sleep.

It was a glorious moment.

They had sleeping bags, and I had an air mattress, which just doesn’t hit the same at 34 but for one night, I figured I could manage.

Next time, I’ll bring a sleep-aid, ear plugs, and eye mask and a muscle relaxer. Ha!


The Takeaway

As the sun seemingly rose too early on our second and last day, we basked in the glow of our adventure.

Sure, there were moments of chaos, such as forgetting enough caffeine to fuel a small army, but the smiles on those sandy faces? They were worth it.

Our take-home message? Do it. Embrace the madness, the beauty, and the sand in every crevice.


Why You Should Consider Peanut Island for Your Next Family Trip

Peanut Island might not be your first thought for a family getaway, especially with a brood that includes toddlers to tweens. But here’s the thing—it should be.

From the easy-to-navigate campsites to the kid-friendly beaches and the invaluable lesson that nature is the best playground, it’s a trip we’ll treasure forever.

And yes, the list that started it all? It’s ready for our next adventure. Because if there’s one thing we learned, it’s that with a little preparation, a lot of patience, and an endless supply of snacks, camping with kids is not just possible; it’s fun.

So, here’s to the next trip, to more caffeine, and to making memories that are as unforgettable as they are wild.


Final Thoughts

Peanut Island taught us that camping with kids isn’t about the perfect schedule or the right gear. It’s about unplugging, connecting, and showing up for every beautiful, messy, laughter-filled moment.

Would I do it again? In a heartbeat—with maybe a few more cans of cold brew.




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