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It’s not just a nose ring or putting purple dye in my hair. It’s someone having fun with their body and for some reason that pushes others to be scared.

I’ve always grown out my hair then cut it all off. I’ve now had my nose pierced two separate times, in the same exact spot.

I’ve had pink, yellow, silver, black, blonde and purple hair but what I do with my body, bring no change to theirs.

When I got my first tattoo, I remember hearing to get it “small” put it in a place no one can see, but why? Why would I get a tattoo for anyone else, but me?

When I said I was going to dye my hair purple, people questioned me.

Make sure it’s not too bright or too dark, water yourself down for society.

Sit like a lady, make sure to brush your hair, conform to all these rules so no one will stare.

It’s like we are taught to be afraid of making mistakes and having some fun. Taught to please everyone else down to our clothes and how our makeup is done.

I’ve been greeted with lovely judgmental comments from men, wow she’s got attention issues only because I’m not dressing my body to appease them.

If you can’t be yourself, who can you be?

Creativity and self expression doesn’t fade because you age.

We are just so beaten down that we become afraid of change.

So be yourself so loudly, you can only hear your own voice.

Stop questioning what you “should do” and ask yourself what do you want to do.

It’s your choice. 







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