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Are you a new parent struggling to get your baby to sleep through the night? I’ve been there. With three kids under my belt, I’ve tried every sleep method in the book. But let me tell you, nothing compares to the Snoo Bassinet. In this blog post, I’ll share my personal experience with how the Snoo helped my baby sleep soundly right from birth, smoothly transition to a crib, and avoid dreaded sleep regressions.

The Snoo: A Lifesaver for TIRED Parents

From the moment my baby came into this world, the Snoo Bassinet became our saving grace. With its gentle rocking motion and soothing white noise, it provided the perfect environment for my newborn to drift off into a peaceful slumber. Gone were the days of endless pacing and shushing—I finally had a solution that worked. It’s like having an extra set of hands so you can drink your coffee, hot.



Seamless Transition to the Crib with Snoo’s Weaning Option

As my baby grew older, I knew that transitioning to a crib would eventually become necessary. However, I was apprehensive about disrupting our established sleep routine. To my surprise, the transition was smoother than I could have imagined, thanks to Snoo’s innovative weaning option.

The Snoo Bassinet offers a convenient weaning feature designed to ease your baby’s transition to sleeping without assistance. This feature provides a gradual reduction in motion and sound, allowing your baby to adjust to the crib’s environment at their own pace. With the familiarity provided by the Snoo, my baby seamlessly adapted to the crib without any fuss.

By utilizing Snoo’s weaning option, we avoided creating any bad sleep habits, ensuring that when sleep regressions did occur, my baby had already learned how to self-soothe and put himself back to sleep. This smooth transition and the absence of sleep disruptions made navigating sleep regressions a breeze, allowing us to maintain our sanity and enjoy uninterrupted sleep.

No Sleep Training Necessary

We didn’t need to implement formal sleep training after using the Snoo. Once he transitioned to the crib, we allowed him to cry for short periods, thankfully under 5 minutes, to resettle himself. This approach proved effective without causing unnecessary stress for either of us and I contribute this all to the Snoo. We also took away the pacifier at night during this transition so we took all the crutches away at once while he was young enough not to depend on them.

Say Goodbye to Sleep Regressions

With the Snoo by our side, we never had to dread of sleep regressions disrupting our sleep routine. My baby continued to sleep soundly through the night, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule that allowed both of us to get the rest we needed to thrive because we taught him healthy sleep habits and stuck with it from birth.

Affordable Monthly Rental Option

I understand that purchasing a Snoo Bassinet outright may not be feasible for every family. That’s why I’m thrilled to share that the Snoo now offers a monthly rental option, allowing parents to access this life-changing technology at an affordable price. With the rental option, you can enjoy all the benefits of the Snoo without breaking the bank. I know they are also working to get insurance to cover it as well, so check with your providers!

We did buy ours outright and then sold everything on Facebook Marketplace. So that’s an option for you too if you’re at all concerned about renting one.

My Recommendation: A Must-Have for Every Mom

As a mom who has experienced firsthand the incredible difference the Snoo can make, I wholeheartedly recommend it to every parent, right from birth. From promoting better sleep for your baby to giving you much-needed rest as a parent, the Snoo is truly a game-changer. Don’t let sleepless nights take a toll on your family—try the Snoo and experience the difference for yourself.

The Snoo Bassinet has been a lifesaver for my family, helping our baby sleep soundly, smoothly transition to a crib, and avoid sleep regressions. With its affordable monthly rental option, there’s no reason not to give it a try.

Say goodbye to sleepless nights and hello to restful sleep for the whole family with the Snoo.


Sold? Order your Snoo here on Amazon!

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