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The Fruits of Motherhood Community

The village you’ve been searching for – Subscribe for $19.99/month and recieve exclusive content via text!


Get 5 exclusive videos & text messages per week, including but not limited to the following topics:


Tips on how to find yourself after motherhood

Easy to do exercises and prompts.


Honest challenges and resolutions with my kids

Because we won’t be perfect parents and that’s okay.


Exclusive photos and videos not on social media

Social media loves beautifully tailored content with the perfect trending song at that exact moment to fit their agenda. This will be a great way to connect without the algorithm getting between us.


Bloopers from videos throughout the week

Because hearing and watching me fail at life is funny no matter what.


Sexuality Realizations

Sprinkled in for those who need a more icing on their cake.


What I eat & what my kids will not

Major solidarity moment so we can all feel a little lighter when we rest our heads at night.



Given our unique situation it allows for A LOT of co-parenting practices and misunderstandings. I will talk about how we resolved and recovered.


Monthly Q&A

Sometimes we just have questions and need some answers from someone we trust that has the same parenting styles as us.


let's grow together

Since you’ll be joining the community with me in the early days, we will grow and shape each other, together. I’m always open to tailoring content to best benefit you, which directly benefits me. We are in this together mama.

preorder my book

Equal parts sass and inclusiveness, The Mom Life explores the highs and lows of new motherhood, tackling taboo subjects like losing interest in your partner, not immediately loving your baby, and imposter syndrome.

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